Tag Archive | Elastix kernel

how to install Elastix on centos5 using Yum

Get Elastix ISO, install kernel

Because the structure is subject to change, it is more reliable to go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/elastix/ and get a reliable mirror download link.

cd /
wget http://voxel.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/elastix/Elastix-1.5.2-stable-i386-bin-31mar2009.iso
mkdir /mnt/elastix-cd
mount -o loop /Elastix-1.5.2-stable-i386-bin-31mar2009.iso /mnt/elastix-cd
for 1.6: wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/elastix/files/Elastix%20PBX%20Appliance%20Software/1.6/Elastix-1.6.0-i386-bin-29Oct2009.iso In OpenVZ you will have to mount using fuse-iso. Further the hard node (the primary server) must be enabled to run fuse and the container must be restarted.

As of writing, the Elastix kernel is 2.6.18-92.1.22.el5. You should verify this:

ls /mnt/elastix-cd/Elastix/kernel-2.*
rpm -ivh –oldpackage /mnt/elastix-cd/Elastix/kernel-2.6.18-92.1.22.el5.i686.rpm
This should set the elastix kernel as the default in grub but you can check the /etc/grub.conf to be sure.

Add the elastix CD as a yum repo

Note: DO NOT create the elastix updates repo because it will conflict with the dependents required by the RPMs in the elastix-cd. This repo will be created automatically upon installation.

Create a file elastix-cd.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d :

# nano /etc/yum.repos.d/elastix-cd.repo
Now paste the follow without a space before each line in:

name=Elastix RPM Repository for CentOS CD

for Elastix 2.0.3 on Centos 5.7
name=Elastix RPM Repository for CentOS CD
note: Don’t leave a space before each line in the text in elastix-cd.repo

On 1.6, I had to remove the /Elastix for repo to work.

Everything from above in .repo file the same other than this one line. Don’t know if this is same for other ones.

You will need to remove or disable the elastix-CD repo when you are done as the CD image will not auto mount on boot.

Install elastix using yum

It is very important that you’re in the ”/mnt/elastix-cd/Elastix” folder before you start the installation.

# cd /mnt/elastix-cd/Elastix
# yum -y –nogpgcheck install asterisk* elastix-* freeze fxload kernel-module-rhino* libmfcr2 lzop perl-HTML-TokeParser-Simple perl-WWW-Mechanize
# cd /
# yum -y update
Install webmin

wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/webadmin/files/webmin/1.610/webmin-1.610-1.noarch.rpm
rpm –install webmin-1.610-1.noarch.rpm
In your browser, go to and “Webmin-Webmin Configuration-Webmin Modules” and then
install 3rd party Modules: SSH2 Login

# reboot

Restart your server and you should be able to see elastix login at http://yourserver-ip-or-domain.com/